Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Ghouls and Boys!

It was a popular card this year--I'm still waiting for a third to make it a set!
Halloween is not widely celebrated here, nor is it very well known; some even go so far as to boycott it, expressing chagrin over the fact that this is yet another symbol of the encroaching "western world." Nonetheless, my neighborhood was transformed come sunset: little witches, monsters, and unrecognizable winged creatures shrieking for, "Les Bonbons, Les Bonbons!!"

I had done a fairly arduous hike earlier in the day and was hoping for a nap before the festivities began, but was awoken by a heavy rapping on my door with the sounds of, "There is an American who lives here. Come out America. You are here. We know because we saw you." So up I went, dressed as an American (which was sufficiently thrilling for everyone present), and snapped this shot of my little neighborhood friends:
The funniest sensation was knowing how truly far from home I was at that moment, but surrounded by children who could have been me and my friends 15 years ago. In place of the chilly autumn air whipping through some little polyester princess get-up, a hot stifling stillness was causing a small vampire's face paint to melt off. No bobbing for apples, crisp fall leaves, or candy corn: just mangoes, palm trees, and bonbons!

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